Make a difference this Giving Tuesday by helping young students sing every day!

Make a difference this Giving Tuesday by helping young students sing every day! image


raised towards $15,000 goal



Days Left


Sing Every Day projects bring the benefits of daily singing sessions to elementary school children. Singing has been shown to instill confidence and teamwork into classrooms, to improve learning outcomes, and most of all, to bring a sense of joy into lessons.


With very few elementary schools employing a specialist music teacher to teach classroom music and lead singing in school ensembles, music provision is often left to generalist classroom teachers who have very little training in teaching music and, as a consequence, find delivering music daunting. We offer projects to schools in underserved areas where there is a lack of music provision.


Our projects offer a series of in-school workshops led by members of our professional team. Each workshop includes warm-ups to build basic musical skills; learning and perfecting songs to be sung in concert; developing creativity through improvisation, soundscapes and roleplays; and performance training to build confidence and self-possession. Each project includes a professional performance with our one of our groups, VOCES8 or Apollo5, and training and support for classroom teachers.

Campaign Aims

  • Develop the children participating in the project, particularly focussing on confidence, focus and concentration, teamwork skills, reading development, and vocabulary and speaking skills.
  • Embed singing in the schools’ culture by training teachers, music-specialist and non-specialist, alongside their pupils, so that they can continue to implement singing programs.
  • Train older and/or more musically able children the techniques of running singing workshops, enabling them to be ‘singing ambassadors’ to their peers.
  • Make post-project visits offering help, advice and troubleshooting, to ensure the singing culture takes root.
  • Offer access to the VOCES8 Digital Academy, our online platform containing resources for teachers and students, allowing them to continue to develop into the future.

Campaign Budget

  • $7,000 – Singing Leader visits to schools across the project
  • $5,800 – VOCES8 or Apollo5 fee for end-of-project in-school concerts
  • $1,500 – Project management and evaluation
  • $700 – Singing resources for schools including new songs and arrangements


We commissioned the UCL Institute of Education in London, UK to evaluate our projects. Their conclusions overwhelmingly supported what we already, instinctively, knew: Our projects improve confidence, communication and leadership skills; our projects improve school work; our projects “benefit... children’s overall development”; and our projects help teachers too.


We ask participating teachers to complete pre- and post-project impact questionnaires, and also interview teachers pre- and post-project. We report our impact by analyzing the results of questionnaires and interviews and share them with participating schools and music hubs as well as our supporters. We have an ongoing relationship with the UCL Institute of Education and we also share results for use by their researchers, MA and Ph.D. students.